Mother’s Day joy

From Kansas, we drove up to Omaha to visit with Christian’s family. It was a perfect occasion to be together on Mother’s Day weekend.
To everyone’s surprise, Cat and Christian showed up at Lynn and Dave’s house about an hour after we got there. What a special time for them to come and celebrate with us.
But there was even more happy news: Cat and Christian are expecting! The baby will come around November 7. Cat looks radiant, healthy and soooo happy!
The weekend was of course fabulous: great hospitality, good meals, a visit to the Omaha zoo, Blitz and Bryce being best buddies….
We left Sunday afternoon and encountered another bout of tornado activity: we tok shelter in a highway rest area. Pretty scary stuff but thankfully no damage for us.
Now in Boulder visiting Emily. It snowed and the Flatirons are covered with the white stuff.








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